The monthly scheduled meeting of the Fair Lakes Crossing Home (FLC) Owners Association (HOA) Board of Directors (BoD) convened via phone conference beginning at 7:10 PM on 10 February 2021 to take up matters requiring attention.  During the COVID pandemic, as a public announcement, meetings dates are being posted in advance to the community calendar on the website with instructions for participation to allow for neighborhood involvement.  However, the HOA zoom account did not function so the BoD met via phone conference to discuss the agenda.

Attendance:  4 of the 5 members of the FLC HOA Board were present: Ajay Ganji (President), Rama Ghattu, Clarence Hunter, and Pete Mattes.  No community members attended due to the Zoom failure.

Eight items composed the agenda:

  1. Disposition of the VDOT request for an easement in support of the I66 construction project
  2. Transition of bank signature card for HOA BoD actions
  3. HOA Landscaping contract
  4. Removal of Dead Trees within the HOA-administered common spaces in FLC
  5. Update on tennis court plan
  6. ARC issue
  7. Neighborhood cleanup
  8. HOA BoD election prep planning.

Board Action:

  1. The first agenda item for the HOA BoD was the VDOT offer of $15,000 for permanent easement rights to a slice of HOA administered land that provides access to the I66 expansion project work.  Mr. Ganji reported that he had met with the VDOT representatives and signed paperwork on behalf of the HOA, giving VDOT access to the easement in support of the I-66 work.  VDOT will provide payment to the FLC HOA through CMC management.
  2. The second agenda item for the BoD was the signing of a bank signature card to authorize conduct of financial dealings by the board.  Mr. Ganji will make arrangements prior to the next BoD meeting to get this completed.    
  3. The third agenda item concerned the landscaping contract for 2021.  Two bids were received by CMC from (1) Chesapeake Landscape & Design, Inc. and (2) Ridgefield Landscape Solutions.  The Chesapeake bid was $31,000 and the Ridgefield bid was $25,000.  CMC also provided an endorsement for the Ridgefield service.  Mr. Mattes made the motion to support the Ridgefield Landscape bid.  Attending board members voted unanimously to approve Ridgefield Landscape Solutions as the landscaping contractor for the HOA for 2021.  Mr. Ganji will contact CMC to put that contract into effect.
  4. Mr. Ganji brought up business not on the agenda but related to the I-66 project.  In his discussions with the VDOT representative, he asked what the timing was for replacement for the sound wall between our neighborhood and I-66.  The VDOT rep stated that there was no plan for a sound wall.  This is not the BoDs understanding from the original plans reviewed in 2018.  Mr. Ganji asked the BoD for permission to begin an inquiry with VDOT with help from the HOA’s legal representative.  The BoD members unanimously supported this and Mr. Ganji will initiate contact immediately to find out status of a sound wall and options available to the BoD and report back to the BoD members as soon as he gets information.
  5. The fourth agenda item was the removal of dead trees on HOA land threatening HOA members’ property.  Mr. Nawroth was unable to attend the BoD meeting and has been the lead on this action.  Mr. Ganji will contact Mr. Nawroth on 11 February to determine the status of this action and communicate this to all BoD members for consideration prior to the next BoD meeting since the BoD considers this a priority action due to winter weather.
  6. The fifth agenda item was the status of actions regarding a proposed tennis court in the FLC community.  Mr. Mattes reported the the FLC HOA legal advisor is working to initiate the process to consider legal requirements that must be met in order to build a tennis court in the community.  According to correspondence with the BoD in 2018, an estimate was provided then that the required legal work would cost the HOA between $2000-$6000 to complete.  Mr. Mattes will contact the legal advisor to see if that estimate is still valid and what that estimate covers and report back to the BoD at the next scheduled BoD meeting.
  7. The sixth agenda item was an issue communicated to Mr. Nawroth by the Architectural Review Committee (ARC).  Given Mr. Nawroth’s absence, Mr. Ganji will contact both Mr. Nawroth and CMC management in order to address the concern and report to the BoD for their action.
  8. The seventh agenda item was the planning for a neighborhood cleanup in late March/early April.  Mr. Hunter and Mr. Ghattu will lead the effort to arrange the event.  Normally, the even includes a requirement to provide supplies (trash bags, gloves, etc.) and may need to include masks for participants this year.  The BoD also has provided pizza to participants in the past.  Mr. Hunter and Mr. Ghattu will provide to the board the planned date, supplies needed (with an estimated cost for BoD approval), advertising with CMC, a plan for executing the cleanup, and removal of debris collected at the next scheduled BoD meeting.
  9. The eighth agenda item was the preparation for the next BoD election.  Mr. Ganji made a motion that the election be conducted in May instead of April given the coordination challenges of the current Covid environment.  This motion was approved unanimously.  Mr. Ganji’s, Mr. Hunter’s, and Mr. Mattes’ seats are up for election.  Mr. Ghattu as a BoD member not up for election will lead the planning for the election and will contact CMC for their assistance and report the plan to the BoD and the next scheduled meeting.
  10. No further business was conducted.  The BoD adjourned at 7:45 PM.
  11. The next scheduled BoD meeting is on 10 March 2021 at 7 PM.